Expository Series on the Gospel of John

With particular ettention to the beauty of the structure, and how it supports the meaning

The extraordinary poem hidden in the first 18 verses of John

1. The extraordinary poem hidden in the first 18 verses of John

  • Be impacted by the power and the beauty of this painting of Jesus at the beginning of John. My Jesus, God from all eternity, came down to earth as a human so that I might have new life.
  • Listen to audio see slides & notes or watch video

Why the very first believers were so drawn to Jesus

2. Why the very first believers were so drawn to Jesus

  • Before Jesus even started doing miracles, John is very interested in the impact he had on people.
  • Some people didn’t care, but others were drawn to him powerfully.
  • We can engage with Jesus today like those those first followers did.
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A Different Take on turning Water into Wine

3. A Different Take on turning Water into Wine

  • Why does Jesus answer Mary in such an odd way? It is almost rude and seems very out of character.
  • Yet it turns out that this answer is what unlocks the challenge to us in the story.
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Anger and Love in the Temple

4. Anger and Love in the Temple

  • What exactly made Jesus so angry?
  • Why did he gave such a strange answer to the Pharisees?
  • When we can truly resonate with Jesus’ anger and feel his love, we can get what this story is all about.
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Born from Above

5. Born from Above

  • Jesus challenged Nicodemus to think outside his religious box.
  • In a similar way he challenges us, not to live ordinary lives limited by the expectations of this world,
  • but to embrace the amazing reality of the age to come, now in the present.
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God's Love for Humanity

6. God’s Love for Humanity

  • John 3:16 is probably the best known verse in the Bible, but it has a hidden depth and richness that makes it (and the rest of the passage) well worth studying.
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The Woman at the Well - Jesus Sees your Deepest Need

7. The Woman at the Well - Jesus Sees your Deepest Need

  • There’s a lot more to this story than meets the eye, from why she misunderstood Jesus, to connections with several other well-encounters in the Bible, and finally all the talk about food at the end being a clue to what really satisfies us.
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A Challenging Story about the Journey of Faith

8. A Challenging Story about the Journey of Faith

  • Even if you are a Christian, there are some deep challenges in this story.
  • Jesus wants to keep moving you along the journey until you really know who he is, and act accordingly.
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New Life at the Pool - Healing followed by some radical claims

9. New Life at the Pool - Healing followed by some radical claims

  • How might you be like the man at the pool?
  • Most of those who have studied this chapter see it as disorganized and repetitive,+but in fact there is a beautiful logic to Jesus’ reasoning.
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What on earth does it mean to 'feed on Jesus'? and why this is one of the most important things you can ever learn

10. What on earth does it mean to ‘feed on Jesus’? and why this is one of the most important things you can ever learn

  • After feeding the 5000 and walking on water, Jesus was asked to provide more food. The answer he gave was very strange, and resulted in many people walking away from him.
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A deeper look at the strange words: 'Eat my flesh and drink my blood'

11. A deeper look at the strange words: ‘Eat my flesh and drink my blood’

  • These strange sounding words can be, for your, a deep source of life.
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If Anyone is Thirsty

12. If Anyone is Thirsty

  • Are you feeling dry and thirsty? Jesus is offering cool refreshing water—abundant, life-giving and free. Come and drink!
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Getting Free from the Lies that Drag us into Darkness

13. Getting Free from the Lies that Drag us into Darkness

  • There is a voice inside you that is telling you lies!
  • Experience what it is like to have the truthful words of Jesus bringing freedom from this darkness.
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How the Man Born Blind challenges you and me

14. How the Man Born Blind challenges you and me

  • On the surface this is a simple healing story,
  • but John has beautifully put together a series of events and conversations that build up to a startling revelation from Jesus
  • that his light can actually lead people to become blind,
  • and we ourselves need to pay close attention.
  • Listen to audio see slides & notes or watch video

The deeper, fuller meaning of the parable of the Good Shepherd

15. The deeper, fuller meaning of the parable of the Good Shepherd

  • It is easy to read through John 10 on a surface level and miss what is going on.
  • Here, at the final climax of Jesus’ public ministry he presents an image that will leave you enthralled with it’s beauty, and deeply moved by it’s implications.
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How come Jesus weeps before raising Lazarus? —The Good Shepherd in Action

16. How come Jesus weeps before raising Lazarus? —The Good Shepherd in Action

  • Just before Lazarus is raised, Jesus weeps along with Mary. Why not just tell her everything will soon be ok?
  • If this account was just about Jesus’ power to raise the dead it would be told in just 7 verses,
  • but the other 43 tell of a Shepherd who loves each of his sheep in a unique way.
  • Listen to audio see slides & notes or watch video

Jesus' last days of teaching: Why so few really 'got' him. Can you?

17. Jesus’ last days of teaching: Why so few really ‘got’ him. Can you?

  • Let’s walk with Jesus through his last days of teaching.
  • How come so very few really ‘got’ him?
  • Does his final challenge connect with you?
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The God who will Love You to the End and Wash Your Feet

18. The God who will Love You to the End and Wash Your Feet

  • Peter misunderstood foot-washing and so do many Christians, but Jesus tells us how blessed we will be if we understand and receive it.
  • But most of all this chapter is about how Jesus loves his own “to the end”,
  • and never abandon us to the end of time.
  • Listen to audio see slides & notes or watch video

Let not your Hearts be Troubled--Jesus Reveals Surprising Things about the Father

19. Let not your Hearts be Troubled—Jesus Reveals Surprising Things about the Father

  • As he faces the most horrific death that any human faced, Jesus feelings are instead for his disciples, deeply caring for them.
  • But what is even more surprising is that in this act of selfless empathy, Jesus is revealing to us the heart of the Father.
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The Breathtaking Invitation by Jesus into a New Dimension of Connection to God

20. The Breathtaking Invitation by Jesus into a New Dimension of Connection to God

  • ‘If you love me, you will obey my commandments’
  • Do we have to perform well enough at this love to get rewarded?
  • The answer is both surprising and extremely encouraging!
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The Flow of God's Energy—Jesus Explains how to be Connected to the Vine

21. The Flow of God’s Energy—Jesus Explains how to be Connected to the Vine

  • At the very centre of Christ’s last hours of teaching comes an idea that is striking and life transforming.
  • To enhance its vividness, and help it to stick, the thoughts are laid out in semi-poetic form.
  • They are like two beautiful flowers, with leaves around the outside, and vivid blooms in the middle.
  • If Jesus has chosen to express himself in this way, we need to give attention and listen!
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My peace I give to you… Do not let your hearts be troubled or be fearful

22. My peace I give to you… Do not let your hearts be troubled or be fearful

  • Our connection with Christ, the vine, grows as we hear his words, believe them, and do them.
  • In these troubled times, chose to believe these words of peace, and walk in them, rather than words of fear.
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What does the Promise of the Spirit of Truth mean for us?

23. What does the Promise of the Spirit of Truth mean for us?

  • Do you wish you could have been there with Jesus, heard him teach and seen the miracles?
  • Jesus says you are actually better off with what you have now:
  • The very Spirit of God living inside you and empowering you.
  • How do we experience this?
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Do This… so that Your Joy may be Full

24. Do This… so that Your Joy may be Full

  • Jesus said, “In a little while… your sorrow will turn to joy.”
  • Do this, he says, and you will receive a joy that no-one can take from you.
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John 17: The Greatest Prayer in the Bible

25. John 17: The Greatest Prayer in the Bible

  • What would it have been like for the disciples to hear Jesus praying for them in a way that
  • was so loving and caring,
  • was so challenging in the mission he gave them,
  • and raised their identity and destiny so high?
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Safe and Sent — Coming to Grips with the Challenge of Jesus in John 17

26. Safe and Sent — Coming to Grips with the Challenge of Jesus in John 17

  • Jesus’ words move from comfort to challenge,
  • from ‘Safe’ to ‘Sent’
  • as this amazing prayer in John 17 moves towards it’s climax.
  • Listen to audio see slides & notes or watch video

The High Point in the whole of Jesus' Teachings

27. The High Point in the whole of Jesus’ Teachings

  • Jesus highest teachings, given just to his disciples in John 14–17 come to a climax in his prayer at the end,
  • and now we reach the very pinnacle of the prayer
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Our Destiny: to Receive and to Give Divine Love —John 17

28. Our Destiny: to Receive and to Give Divine Love —John 17

  • We are a gift from the Father to Jesus: his beloved ones
  • He gives our love back to the Father as a gift:
    to be revealers of God’s self-giving love to the world (and universe)
  • This is the highest expression of the Christian faith you will ever hear.
  • More than that, it is the highest point of human existence
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Betrayed, Arrested, Abandoned, Denied and Abused —John 18

29. Betrayed, Arrested, Abandoned, Denied and Abused —John 18

  • Jesus was betrayed, arrested, abandoned, denied and abused.
  • Yet those were the very people he came to die for!
  • What manner of love is this?
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What we can learn about ourselves from Pilate

30. What we can learn about ourselves from Pilate

  • Pilate was faced with a choice that in some ways is very similar to ours, even if we are a Christian.
  • The challenge is to see what it is for you!
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Why John is so selective when telling the story of the Crucifixion

31. Why John is so selective when telling the story of the Crucifixion

  • John is very selective, but this is because he is very focused in the unique way he wants us to relate to Jesus as he suffers and dies on the cross, a way that we miss if we don’t follow his references
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Jesus' Burial, with some Insights from Archeology

32. Jesus’ Burial, with some Insights from Archeology

  • We believe the Bible because it is God’s word, but nevertheless it is encouraging to our faith so see the strength of the evidence.
  • Plus it helps us to visualize and conceptualize what actually happened at a real place and date.
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How Jesus' Resurrection Directly Empowers Us

33. How Jesus’ Resurrection Directly Empowers Us

  • The resurrection of Jesus was not simply coming back to life, but the start of a new kind of humanity.
  • It gives us access to a new kind of life within us—empowered for victory.
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What we can learn from Mary Magdalene at the Empty Tomb

34. What we can learn from Mary Magdalene at the Empty Tomb

  • Life from the resurrected Jesus brought life to those around him.
  • You can experience more of that life, as Mary did.
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A Meal on the Beach with Jesus (where he revealed something new and new and extremely comforting)

35. A Meal on the Beach with Jesus (where he revealed something new and new and extremely comforting)

  • People get fixated on the 153 fish, Peter’s clothes or odd behaviour, and miss the wondrous and life-changing point that this story is making.
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From Shame and Sin to Strength—How Jesus Restored Peter

36. From Shame and Sin to Strength—How Jesus Restored Peter

  • This story helps us understand how Jesus deals with our failure.
  • Come to him and let him gently restore you and give you strength.
  • Just honestly tell him about it, and accept it is the same gentle Jesus that talked with Peter on the beach that morning.
  • Listen to audio see slides & notes or watch video

Meeting Jesus in the pages of John

37. Meeting Jesus in the pages of John

  • John’s desire is that we should meet Jesus through his writing.
  • Even if we are Christians, we can meet him in a new and powerful way as we engage in these pages with the one who is both God and human.
  • Listen to audio see slides & notes or watch video